lundi 12 novembre 2012

Winter work

It's a rather quiet time of year so as well as keeping up with creativity textile wise I'm also creating in the garden.  We're in the process of digging and planting the more unkempt (wild) parts of the land and particularly concentrating on shade loving and dry tolerant plants.  Discovered a great nursery in St Ambroix specialising in these plants - run by a husband and wife - and we had it all to ourselves so got masses of help.  Now all planted so we await Spring and Summer with impatience!
C'est un moment un peu calme de l'année alors apart de mon travail continu je travail au jardin.  Nous sommes en train de créer des endroits de plantes tolerantes de la secheresse, de l'ombre mais d'autres qui aiment le soleil.  Comme le temps en ce moment est fabuleux on profit bien d'être déhors.

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