mardi 27 janvier 2009


I was trying to find my forgotten blog email address - I'm very new to all this - and on googling my name I was astonished at the number of references to me on all sorts of sites that I know nothing about. It's all good I suppose but nothing is secret any more as the search engines pick up the least mention. So I'm out there in the world without me being aware of the half of it.
I now know for examle that I've got 5 'Art embroidery' for sale on a secondhand bookseller's site in the USA! Amazing isn't it?

Today is beautiful and since I'm not starting anything new until I've put up the exhibition in Bourbonne I think I'll go for a walk in the woods and the vineyards.

En 'googling' mon nom j'ai éte étonné par le nombre de réference à moi sur des sites que je connai pas de tout. 5 livres 'Art emboidery' sur un site americain par exemple.

Je vais me promener car le soleil brille et j'attend de faire une nouvelle broderie jusqu'au moment de mon expo au Musée de Bourbonne les Bains fév. 14

1 commentaire:

  1. Nothing escapes the big brother of the internet Liz he is always watching.
    I love doing google searches they seem to have the answer to everything and are a big help when my almost 9 yo grandaughter ask me a question that I haven't the answer for.
    Regards Doreen in very-very hot Canberra.
