My expo is now up and I was absolutely astonished at how much work I actually have. When it's all up on walls (or not) everywhere in the house you don't realise just how much you've done over the years and of course during that time there have been sales so there has been even more than the present! I was very pleased seeing it all together and although the vernissage was fairly small I had lots of compliments. The French are not used to seeing this kind of art although my name is not unknown now here. Well it's up for 3 months, which is a long time out of circulation and I had to turn down some other opportunities which cropped up. I'm happy with it but not optimistic for sales - bad time of year and a quiet town.
So I'm now back home and have started trying to do something with all the teabag labels I've been collecting over the months. I belong to a group called 'Enfibre' and we have a theme to work to about recycling so mine is going to be from these labels. Hmm......we'll see how far I get, will keep you posted
Alors mon expo est en place et j'était étonné de voir un tel nombres d'oeuvres tout ensemble. Normalement ils sont dispersés sur les murs ici et la a la maison et je les voie pas comme ça. Beaucoup de compliments mais j'attends pas les grands ventes, trop calme la ville et pas vraiment un bon temps de l'année. Eh bien j'ai dû refuser deux occasions d'exposer ailleurs pendant les 3 mois de mon expo mais ca c'est la vie n'est-ce pas?
Je suis rentrée chez moi et je commence un nouvel oeuvre basé sur les étiquettes de sachets de thé. Avec le groupe 'Enfibre' on espère d'avoir un expo avec théme de 'recyclage' cet été. Je vous tiendra au courant.
The exhibition looks wonderful Liz.
RépondreSupprimerI can't wait to see what you do with the tea bag labels.
Je te souhaite beaucoup de visiteurs pour cette nouvelle expo .
RépondreSupprimerBises amicales
Véro de Douai