lundi 2 mars 2009

Magazine article. Courses

I am composing an article for 'Stitch' for the series 'From sketch to stitch' which I am basing on some of the work that's come out of my Australian visits. The trouble is trying to keep it all under control as I've got so much info to choose from. No sooner have I chosen certain photos of my work than I think oh that looks very typical of the landscape and with back up work photos to go with it I change again. I need a book not a magazine! I'll keep you posted for publication date.

Starting to get reservations for courses here but since we are limited to accommodating only 4 at a time I am not over-run. 3 or 4 is a perfect number and the 5 days are very agreeable for everyone, plenty of attention from me and small enough for everyone to get to know each other well if they have all come individually. Quite often though it's 2 or 3 friends who come together and the week can be a hoot.
Quite a number keep in touch and we've stayed with some of them when I have something on in the area.

Je commence avoir des réservations pour mes ateliers ici mais comme on prend un maximum de 4 je suis pas 'surchargé'. Souvent c'est des amies qui viennent et la semaine passe avec beaucoup de gaieté aussi bien que du bon travail.
On reste en contact avec beaucoup d'eux.

Je suis en train d'écrire une article pour la revue anglaise 'Stitch' sous la thème 'De dessin à la broderie' (j'espère que c'est une vraie traduction). Il est basé sur quelques oeuvres inspirés de mes visites en Australie. Trop de choix! Mais il faut me limiter car il est une article et non pas un livre. Je vous tien au courant de la date de publication.

1 commentaire:

  1. Looking forward to seeing your work in Stitch. I am sure it will be a great article. Suzanne
